
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Vitamin D reduces the risk of human heart disease between women

A medical results conducted at the University of California American elderly ladies who are over sixty-fifth birthday and abusing complement vitamin "d" are less vulnerable to death from human heart disease by about one third. The studies conducted by the American Heart Association showed that low levels of certain types of vitamin "d" associated with an increase in the risk of injuries of heart. During follow-up of about 9700 women over the age of sixty who used 4272 tablets of vitamin "d" for 11 years. The researchers found that the risk of death due to human heart disease was lower by 31% in women who used as vitamin capsules compared with those who did not use it. That is after checking 420 women died due to coronary heart disease. Scientists pointed out that vitamin "d" is one of the most important organizations to absorb Calcium in the body. Coronary heart disease is usually accompanied by the hardening of arteries caused by the accumulation of fat and cholesterol Calcium on arteries.


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